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Happy New Year from Christmas Island

Working abroad for extended periods is part of the job as a wildlife filmmaker and we feel privileged to do our job in all corners of our planet, surrounded by the wonders of the natural world. We often work long days -and nights- to capture special moments, beautiful light, unique fauna & flora etc. But everybody needs a break from time to time to refresh the mind, let off steam and keep going. Christmas is the ideal moment to do so - especially when filming a wildlife documentary on Christmas Island. So with our team we took a day off, prepared a Christmas picnic and went to a remote beach. Dolly beach on Christmas Island is considered one of the most beautiful beaches of Australia and when you go there, chances are very high you're alone on this well hidden beach surrounded by palmtrees and clear blue ocean. you can see in our video: other creatures might join you on the beach to have a good time!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Christmas Island!


PS: and what do filmmakers do on a day off? Indeed, they are still filming...

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